Denethor! What do your Gondorian eyes see?

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Rimogard 283

This is an attempt to create a reliable mono-lore solitaire one-hand deck. Aragorn (Lore) is one of my favorite heroes in the game and his ability to decrease the party threat to the initial value is invaluable. It also should help Grima to use his ability to reduce the cost of a card by one resource in exchange for the gain of one threat.

These two heroes in combo with Deep Knolwedge, Heed the Dream, Mithrandir's Advice and Scroll of Isildur should provide enough card draw.

Denethor (Lore) seems to be less used today due to the awesome leadership version, but the ability to know what's coming from the encounter deck each turn (unless there is a surge keyword on the encounter card) is extremely powerful for one-hand decks. Henamarth Riversong should add to that.

I also added Treebeard and Quickbeam to wreck havoc with their raw power.

Ioreth, the White Tower Watchmen, and Elrond should provide some safety to the heroes. Elrond is also useful for quests with condition treacheries. A Burning Brand and Protector of Lorien should add to their effort.

The Dunedain Lookouts and the Ithilien Lookouts can help you avoid nasty when revealed effects and enemies.

I will give the deck a try soon. Please let me know if it needs something else. I think it looks quite promising.


Jul 03, 2017 Wolves 33

Looks like a fun deck and potentially strong as well. A mono-lore deck without Warden of Healing does seem a bit odd though.

Nevertheless, the deck really only lacks treachery cancellation, if you do not count the one time use of Denethor. In this respect, lore has been given the wonderful, albeit somewhat situational Halfling Bounder. The only personal issue I have with this card in mono-lore is the lack of really useful player side quests of the lore or neutral spheres. Gather Information is probably best. However, unless you're playing with Thurindir, it takes too much effort to get this combo going in a consistent way.

Despite the above, it does look promising :)

Sep 10, 2017 Rimogard 283

Hi! I'm glad you like the deck! Treachery cancellation is truly an issue here but I think the deck scrying should be enough to solve it somewhat. So far I have had issues with the Steward's Fear quest mainly due to making slow progress during the quest phase. I am probably misplaying something, but I'll give it another try soon.