A Coat of Many Arrows: Attack on Dol Guldur Solo

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Gandalf Guy 11

This is the Blood/Fire Boromir deck I used to take down this year's Gen Con quest "Attack on Dol Guldur".

It's pretty basic if you know the format. Get Steward of Gondor, Gondorian Shield, Blood of Númenor, and Gondorian Fire on Boromir as fast as you can and then raise your threat all day to defend.. then murder everything in sight.

Gandalf was clutch - in the beginning to get the cards I needed and then to lower threat so Boromir can swing for the fences. The last turn he was attacking the Host of Dol Guldur and the Dungeon Dweller for 20+ attack!

Make sure you keep a resource on Arwen Undómiel for A Test of Will and Hasty Stroke.

I would usually pick The Dungeons of the Necromancer or The Tower of Sorcery as my quests. I found I was able to play most of my hand, and the allies aren't to important as look as you can play more.

I'll bring this in the deck box to The Fellowship event this year... but with so many staples (Steward, Arwen, Denethor) it might by tough for this to play well with a group of 4!


May 26, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2414

Would you say this deck is still viable for Attack on Dol Guldur after Boromir's recent errata?