Beorn Destroys The Quest And The Staging Area

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tigormiti 907

But even with the Eagles they were still outnumbered. In that last hour Beorn himself had appeared—no one knew how or from where. He came alone, and in bear’s shape; and he seemed to have grown almost to giant-size in his wrath. — The Hobbit

We know the complaints. Beorn can’t this, Beorn can’t that, BLABLABLA.” Worse, we've heard Beorn can't quest because no willpower.

That's BS. Willpower is for the Noldor girlies and those “spirit” wimps of questionable manhood. What we need is raw testosterone-drenched power.

Thurindir puts Delay the Enemy into play, so now it's battle-questing time baby. Pay 1 resource for Vassal of the Windlord and you're questing for 12 turn 1. That's manly questing right there.

Of course, we don't want to complete the side-quest (unless there’s something like a Mumak). We use it only until the staging area is clear. Enter Explorer's Almanac : no progress is made on the side-quest, AND staging area gets cleared.

When we need to stomp the main quest, we play Trained for War. I can hear people screaming: “You have it wrong dude, Trained for War can only be played if all your heroes have a printed icon !!” Kill off Thurindir. Problem solved. Beorn don’t need no pussy. (To tell the truth, you don’t really lose Thurindir. I tell you, he’s really the same person as Hirgon, just look closely at both illustrations.)

If Beorn ever leaves play, get him back into play with Beorning Skin-changer, this time in human (but no less intimidating) form, and keep the battle questing rolling !

Sideboarding: Explorer's Almanac is the most quest-dependent card. Sometimes it’s useless, sometimes it’s indispensable, e.g., for Siege of Cair Andros, where you want it in your opening hand to clear battleground locations. Trained for War is not very useful in quests with siege questing such as Into Ithilien, since it can’t override the siege keyword (too bad). If you want to optimize the build, those are cards you should consider removing.

The allies are a balanced mix that can handle normal/battle/siege questing. For more aggressive battle-questing (Siege of Cair Andros), I’d consider cost-efficient allies such as Riddermark Knight and Galadhon Archer.

Philosophical discussion: Is Beorn immune to the battle keyword of the player card Delay the Enemy? He’s probably not, because Beorn is not directly targeted or affected by the effect: the battle keyword only affects the way the questing numbers are computed during the Quest Resolution Step.