Spam Spam and Spam

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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Alibi 197

Just spam your alllies more as you can.


Nov 30, 2018 Alonewolf87 2340

How do you plan to pay for Elrond except with Timely Aid, which seems of difficult use outside secrecy, and Reinforcements? Take in consideration Strength of Arms and A Very Good Tale, the latter to use at best the allies that leave at the end of the round or the end of the phase.

Nov 30, 2018 96

Unless Sneak Attack or Reinforcement's "put into play" doesn't work with Elrond's "After Elrond enters play" ability, that is 6 cards that should be able to put him in play for a phase (use his ability and get nice stats). Add in Tome of Atanatar and that makes 9 cards that should be able to put him in play for a phase. Six of those cards should only cost 1, with other three costing 3 = Elrond's cost. Not bad odds of being able to play Elrond a couple times in a game.

Dec 01, 2018 Alonewolf87 2340

Yeah they work, since Elrond uses "enters play". It's Galadriel which has the restriction of being played (from the hand too), as opposed to "put into play". Well technically the Tome + Sneak attack costs 2 to be used, 1 for the Tome plus another 1 to use again the sneak attack as if it was in your hand, but I get the point.