Haldan Good Stuff

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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

mhidalgo83 77

Theory crafting is one of my favorite past times with this game, as I don't get to play as much as I would like these days. With a group that is playing through a campaign on a semi-regular basis, I don't get a chance that often to mess around with new heroes and whatnot, but I really wanted to take Haldan out for a test drive, as I was skeptical of how good he actually is. My first deck had Mirror of Galadriel, Silver Harp, Daeron's Runes, and Deep Knowledge to accelerate draw even further, but found that there was too much draw in the deck. If Nenya isn't in your opening hand, I would use your search from Gather Information to fish that out, or Elf-stone, as you probably have a pretty good Ally in your hand that you would like to get into play. I do think that this deck takes a bit of skill in the first few rounds before you get your board state set, and from there, it is cruise control. Overall, I think this is a pretty fun deck to play.