Quest Across Harad

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This is my first attempt at building a side quest deck featuring Thurindir. A personal preference I made for this deck was to include the Harad package. These are strong allies that will start to solidify your board once you can get them out. A big drawback is the deck features almost primarily expensive 4+ cost allies. For that reason, this deck would probably make for a bad solo experience. I designed it with multiplayer in mind as my games usually include 3 - 4 players. Being relatively new to the game (Dec 2018), I'm still working on my card collection, so this is made with what is available to me. Below I go into greater detail on some of my card decisions:


Kahliel and Thurindir are the two focal points in this deck. I wanted a deck to feature the power of the costly Harad cards. Thurindir helps in this arena by helping pay for one of the best Harad allies, Firyal. Thurindir also plays into the second part of what this deck aims to do; get side quests to the victory display. The other cards in this deck are geared towards making Thurindir strong at questing and attacking. Théoden is in the deck to enable Rally the West, as well as helping pay for Jubayr.


Harad allies account for 11 of the 23 ally cards included in the deck. Théoden and Thurindir will help pay for these expensive allies. The other allies help dig for cards to boost Thurindir or cards to help get side quests in your hand. Sarn Ford Sentry adds a little card draw to the deck.


Steed of the North and Legacy Blade are going to be keys to activating Thurindir's full potential in this deck. With those two attachments, he'll ideally be questing and attacking in most rounds. Kahliel's Headdress is there to help buff up Harad allies.


Dúnedain Message just helps dig through the deck for your side quests. The rest help with card draw, reduce threat, or cycle your discard pile back into your deck.

-Side Quests-

Théoden provides the necessary sphere to play Rally the West. I'm mostly playing 3 - 4 player games where these are all strong effects. Explore Secret Ways can be used for scenarios with stronger locations. Double Back can be swapped in if threat becomes an issue.


Hopefully this will be a fun and engaging deck for anyone who likes to play in a multiplayer situation. It should be noted that I have not played with this deck yet, but once I have some scenarios under my belt will come back to evaluate cards that maybe didn't work as well as I initially thought. Making this deck public at this point is more to get some feedback and/or suggestions.


Feb 26, 2019 Wandalf the Gizzard 2414

The Storm Comes would help with those expensive Harad allies. So would Send for Aid.