Faramir the warrior

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Eagle104 8

This deck is currently just an idea I had one day. I have yet to give this deck a play test to see if the concept is even viable. I am almost exclusively a solo player so the deck has to be well rounded for me to consider using it.

The Concept: Can Faramir get both attacks buffs from the staging area and engaged enemies with Warrior Sword?

Without playing a trap deck, Faramir becomes a difficult hero to max out his potential. When "The Ghosts of Framsburg" was teased and I saw the Warrior Sword it got me thinking, can Faramir get the best of both worlds? In getting the pack, I noticed to my dismay that Warrior Sword requires a tactics hero or a hero with the warrior trait to attach and Faramir has neither of those traits. With the release of the Haradrim cycle and its emphasis on traits I found my solution, Mighty Warrior. My hope is with both attached Faramir has consistency for his buffs as well as provide more flexibility to the player.

A vast majority of this deck is set up to aid in questing, but a few of the allies ( Quickbeam, the ents, ect) can be used to aid in attacking if Faramir alone cannot get the job done. Song of Travel goes on Éowyn as she is there to provide the tactics trait so crucial for the Might Warrior/ Warrior sword concept to occur and little else.

Lastly, I have always been intrigued by the combo of Fastred and Faramir. Fastred pushes an enemy back into the staging area to aid Faramir. My concern has always been Fastred's lack of health (3) and a staging area that becomes so overloaded that questing through it becomes impossible. With the right cards and deck polishing, those fears might be removed and the combo could really shine. As I have yet to find the right combination to make it work, for now I rely on trusty Beregond to be my dedicated defender.