The Ship Thieves

Questlogs using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
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In Play
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ShortcutsMakeDelays 168

"...he went to the Haven of the Swans and began to man the ships there and to take them away by force. But the Teleri withstood him, and cast many of the Noldor into the sea."

The Noldor are at it again. Erestor and Arwen join up with the corsair Na'asiyah to wreak havoc on Middle-Earth.

This deck came about because of a daily challenge on RingsDB: play Assault on Osgiliath using Na'asiyah. I wanted to try an Erestor deck, and this seemed like a good opportunity to give it a go. Arwen is here to give us willpower and an extra resource each round. The access to cards such as Will of the West and Silver Harp to mitigate the forced discard on Erestor is an added bonus.

With Na'asiyah's restriction, allies are useless. There are not many cheap allies that can handle combat. Ents fill that role here, and you can block with Na'asiyah until they're ready. You'll want them out early, ideally in your opening hand (9 cards thanks to Erestor). If they do die, recycle with Born Aloft.

Key attachments are Captain of Gondor and Blade of Gondolin on Na'asiyah, with a Rohan Warhorse as well. Make her an Elf-friend to get resources from Arwen. Arwen gets Protector of Lórien, a Silver Harp and a Steed of Imladris, as well as the Necklace of Girion. Erestor gets the other Steed of Imladris and Protector of Lórien. Attach Lembas for healing in future rounds.

Any cards you don't play in the planning should be discarded for resources with Arwen, progress with a Steed of Imladris, and / boost with Protector of Lorien. I haven't added many events as you can't keep them until you need them. The White Council and Will of the West can be played in the round they are drawn (Ideally you don't want Will of the West in your opening hand, obviously). The deck is designed for solo play, hence White Council is an affordable card. Including it, there are 27 1-cost cards, and the rest are 2-cost cards with the exception of the 2 Born Alofts, which are free. The total cost for the entire deck is 67 resources, or 54 if you exclude second and third uniques.

I haven't had a chance to run this through the quest yet (or the next one, which will see me run this through Hunt for Gollum). I'll update the description when I get a chance.