Dwarven Ambush (very dangerous over short distances!)

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Pirate Brahm 1062

This is a Dwarven trap deck (yes, you heard that correctly) constructed to benefit from the buffs of an accompanying Dáin Ironfoot mining deck.

It's fairly straightforward to play as a primary combat deck for two-handed play, using Gimli to soak unblocked attacks to build up his attack strength, and then healing him up to do it all over again.

Play Tips and Strategy

-You'll probably also want to get Dark Knowledge onto Gimli early, so you know if it's safe for a particular attacker to go unblocked. They're not limited, so stack them up on him (he's not questing, after all) and be in the know for the combat phase. This is particularly helpful with avoiding 'does not ready' shadow cards on Outmatched enemies.

-Use Bifur to regularly pull resources off of Gimli, since there are only four cards that require two or more resources to play. Don't forget that you can use him to snag resources from other players (i.e. an accompanying wealthy mining deck).

-Ambush gives you the opportunity to take out an enemy before it has a chance to attack, and you can use multiple attackers at the same time to do so (compare that to Quick Strike, which only lets you use a single attacker). Luckily you've got a deck full of hard-hitting Dwarves.