Thorin and Co.

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

WillRanger7 64

This deck is designed to play the Hobbit Saga, all cards are either cost zero or cost three. The reason for this is the riddle quest and the burgle quest, making those quests much easier. Having all the cards cost zero or three (in addition to being thematic) limited the number the number of cards I could play. So, I decided to play the The Burglar's Turn contract. Not only is this card very thematic, but we lose little to no cards any way with my narrow card filter. For the contract, I chose cards that either I thought the dwarves and the Hobbit found on their adventure, or things they just had. Some of the cards like Thror's Map have great synergy with The Burglar's Turn. If all cards in the deck have to have a cost of zero or three, then we need some resource acceleration. Tighten Our Belts in addition to being a Hobbit inspired card, fits perfectly into the deck. We can't play anything on turn one so we play this and refresh with three resources in each non-Bagins hero's resource pool. The deck has a lot of unique allies this is both good and bad. If we have a hand with too many uniques that are already in play, we can shuffle them away with Drinking Song and hopefully draw allies that we can play. We can take advantage of having so many allies with The Arkenstone, my favorite card in the loot deck. This card will boost all of our uniques' willpower. Five is the magic number for dwarves. Fili and Kili get you to five fast. Once you get five dwarves, Ori and Thorin Oakenshield start giving you extra cards and resources. Try to get to five as soon as possible. If you can, play We Are Not Idle turn one to get to five.