A Stereotypical Post-Errata Caldara Deck

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

dalestephenson 1741

This deck is not creative at all, it is a crowdsourced Caldara deck.

My procedure was as follows -- I analyzed decks with Caldara to see what the most likely hero lineup would be. The most likely lineup was matching her with discarding spirit heroes Círdan the Shipwright and Arwen Undómiel. There were 38 decks with this lineup from different creators. Of those, 24 of the creators had their last version pre-errata, and a 25th created the deck post-errata but stated in notes that the errata would be ignored. There's meaningful differences in the deck composition between pre-errata and post-errata Caldara, so I analyzed the 13 post-errata decks using this lineup and not ignoring the errata.

To turn that information into a deck, I then used the median count to apportion card slots to the most popular choices in each category, trying to use the most popular count for each until I ran out of space. I also limited the cards to a single core set.

The end result should be a stereotypical (post-errata) Caldara Deck -- one that only includes cards that others have used the most (by percentage, not raw count) in their own Caldara decks with this lineup. If you want the typical current Caldara experience, this may be a good fit -- and if it's not, don't blame me, blame the committee! If you preferred Caldara before the errata, blame Caleb!

With Caldara's ability limited to once per game, the key card to look for is Prince Imrahil. Once that is in play and you have three good allies in the discard, you can ditch Caldara for three allies and still have three heroes in play. Then Caldara just sits in the discard for the rest of the game while you use Narya to ready your strong allies and play A Very Good Tale.