
Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Tree-bear[d] 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

emorlecallor 1258

Ents are widely acknowledged as one of the most powerful archetypes in the game. Their only major flaw, however, is a lack of early-game power. Since all Ents enter play exhausted, it can take a while for your Ent army to get going. Faramir helps with this, but none of the Ent cards are in , so using him means you have an awkward tri-sphere deck, even if you use Bifur to smooth resources.

Enter Beorn, the most early-game hero yet released. Although his pool of is bound to decrease, his ability to take on all the enemies early-game allows your Ents to build up. However, unlike many Beorn decks, this deck doesn't stop using him once the late-game rolls around. Landroval, Honour Guard, and Dori can keep Beorn alive and healthy throughout the entire game, as can Horn's Cry and Close Call (although those are one-shot). Dori is especially important to keeping Beorn around, since he will end up with a Ent Draught and Self Preservation, allowing him to absorb a lot of damage from Beorn.

Of course, the deck is really all about the Ents, since they are powerhouses once they get going. The Ent you want to see in your opening hand is Treebeard, since he will help you pay for all of the other Ents in the deck. Wellinghall Preserver is also a key card, enabling Ents like Derndingle Warrior and Beechbone to use their abilities but still stay alive. You do want a bit of damage spread out among your Ents, of course, but not too much. A Booming Ent doesn't care whether an Ent has one damage or ten- the attack boost is still the same.

The other heroes in the deck are mainly for resource acceleration and movement- Mablung gets you an extra resource each round as long as you're engaging enemies and Bifur can take it to help pay for some of the cards in the deck.

As a final note, Entmoot is SO good in this deck. 28 out of the 50 cards in the deck are Ent cards, meaning that you should easily get two or more cards with each copy of Entmoot you play.

Enjoy the deck!


Jun 21, 2016 DnT 108

Nice. Why the dagger instead of the shield though? Also, the DĂșnedain Hunter would be even better than the Galadhon Archer I'd think. It gives you an extra resource during the planning phase too.

Jun 21, 2016 emorlecallor 1258

I seriously considered the shield, but between Beorn and the Derndingle Warrior, defense was pretty much covered, and I found that I need the extra attack from the Dagger to clear big bosses.

As for the Hunter, I only cut him because I didn't find myself needing the extra resource on Mablung, and I'd rather weaken an existing enemy with the Archer than bring a new one into play. He is a good card to add to the sideboard, though.

As a side note, some of my choices are due to the fact that my testing regime is Conflict at the Carrock, Foundations of Stone, and Steward's Fear, all of which have one or multiple "boss" enemies I need to kill, so I tend to cope well with one or two big enemies than a horde of tiny ones. Beorn can help with enemy swarm, but it's not a cure-all, especially considering all of his self-preservation effects are basically limited to one attack with the exception of Horn's Cry.

Thank you for your feedback!