
Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

WetPaperHat 47

This is your typical mono-leadership Outlands deck where you play lots of allies to boost everyone into the stratosphere and then overwhelm everything. There are some additions from after the Heirs of Numenor cycle which mostly makes Prince Imrahil super strong and that's fun.

Put Heir of Mardil on Imrahil and pass him a token from Denethor for some extra action advantage.

Erestor is the flex spot in the deck and can be replaced by any of the cards in the sideboard. Use DĂșnedain Remedy if it's a damage heavy quest or Errand-rider if you need to make more use of Prince Imrahil's readying ability. I chose Erestor as default because more card draw consistency never hurts and he can cycle those duplicate unique attachments.

Forlong and Sword of Morthond are one offs because they're win more cards. Faramir is the typical target for the Sword, although with enough Outlands allies a Squire of the Citadel gets pretty beefy too.