Solo Progression - Flight From Moria

Questlogs using this decklist
Flight from Moria - 1 Player - 2022-09-09
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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In Play
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hurr_lee 26

I really agonized over this one, and tinkered with this one quite a bit. In the end, I settled on the following approach:

  • Load up Bifur with Unexpected Courage, Steward of Gondor and A Burning Brand. Even if you play post-errata, it's worth because there are SO many nasty shadow effects on this quest.
  • Don't feel like you have to kill the enemies, just save enough actions to block them safely
  • If you get a second courage (I didn't), Dain can have it. Otherwise, he's a stat stick/backup defender
  • Always, ALWAYS have a Test of Will ready if possible, there are some potentially game-ending treacheries here.
  • Play for Blocked by Shadow. Keep bypassing quests until it comes up. It's just the most efficient means to get this done, because once it's out, you just power through with your Dain-powered dwarves. You really need Henemarth though to make it safe, so prefer using him before you commit to the quest so you can plan ahead. The only problem here is if you Henemarth and see a treachery, and Shadow comes out - now you have to choose to bypass it (otherwise the game is over), meaning it could be 6 turns until you see it again, which means now you're probably playing for the abandoned tools. When I played, I avoided the treachery on the first one and powered through, doesn't mean that will happen on the next play though...I don't like the randomness of that, but despite that I think there's enough here to be able to play the long game if you need to.

6 turn win with this setup, moving on!

My other progression decks with notes: