The Fellowship of the Ring

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Ipswatch 509

Council of the Wise is in the running for my favorite contract. It is top two, for sure. This is my take on a Fellowship of the Ring deck aimed at using only 1 copy of each card so I can take advantage of the boons the contract provides.

Council of the Wise: This deck has 19 events in it that are deliberately low cost and easy to play. That is to maximize the number of times I can use the Council of the Wise. Depending on the setup, you may end up using it mostly for threat control, but it is amazingly versatile in terms of getting resources to the right character, or extra card draw if you are struggling. There are a fair number of expensive allies in the deck, and council of the wise allows you to move the resources around as needed.

CARD DRAW: This deck has a lot of options open to it, but it benefits from drawing all the attachments so you can field a full team. I tend to mulligan mostly with Gandalf's Staff in mind, though Glamdring is a fun card draw engine as well. Heed the Dream, Gather Information and Word of Command are also in the deck to help cherry pick the specific cards you need.

COMBAT: Gandalf actually ends up being the best option for a defender though some of the allies excel in that role as well when given Ancestral Armor. A bit more dangerous choice, but Frodo ends up being a solid defender as well given the shadow card negation that Inner Strength brings to the table, and the healing from Well Preserved.

DECISIONS: I enjoy decks with decisions to make. They make the game feel more alive to me as a player. This deck has a lot going on. There is Gandalf's top of deck shenanigan's, Gandalf's Staff and Council of the wise, you are never without options and different ways of handling problems.