Deorwine's Hour of Dwarven Wrath

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Aurion 868

This is your typical dwarf swarm deck but with MotK Déorwine as an accompanying defender hero who can successfully defend a couple of attacks each round or with Path of Need or Hour of Wrath he can fend off as many attacks as required without worrying about shadow effects so long as you can afford to cancel them, which shouldn't be difficult with Thorin Oakenshield's built in resource acceleration and Steward of Gondor.

With a Hauberk of Mail and Armored Destrier, Déorwine can defend two strength 4 attacks (and if he has Dúnedain Warning and Captain of Gondor and optionally engages an enemy he can defend for 6 !) As he has sentinel, he is the perfect target for The Day's Rising to help generate resources to pay for the pricey tactics allies and attachments, not to forget Hour of Wrath itself!