Progression Part 1: Something Different

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Progression Part 3: The Hunt for Gollum 0 0 0 2.0
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BeestThouNotInHaste 222

BeestThouNotInHaste has a newer deck inspired by this one: Progression Part 3: The Hunt for Gollum

Solo Progression Deck

Shadows of Mirkwood & Ringmaker


It's been a while since I've played this game, so I thought it would be nice to play through all my content again in celebration of the re-release of the game.

When I first got into LotR LCG, I bought expansions in a rather haphazard order (to this day, I still deeply regret buying Antlered Crown immediately after the Core Set... my completionist nature forced me to buy one of the most grueling cycles in the game). Playing progression style, I'll have a better sense for the value of some cards, and won't have to include Treebeard in every deck!

About this Deck

This deck has beaten Passage Through Mirkwood and Journey Down the Anduin.

Honestly, there are not a lot of viable solo decks in the core set: TEA Time and that combination of heroes far surpassing anything else one can build. I decided to start with a different approach: stat-efficient heroes. The deck is very basic, just throw in everything affordable or notably powerful, then cut out a ton of events.

Starting Hand

You'll generally want to start with 1-2 boosting cards and enough attack boosts to swing for 5. Gléowine is also a fantastic addition, as drawing only one card a turn is not fun.

Early Game

Early on, you'll want to use The Galadhrim's Greeting and Denethor to avoid engaging really tough encounter cards. Just keep playing allies and attachments to incrementally increase your stats. Travel often, as this lacks location control; and take enemies as soon as you can defeat them in a single attack (or can finish with Gondorian Spearman the next turn). Daughter of the Nimrodel is another great card to see.

Mid Game

By now, you should be able to quest for 6-7 and attack for 6. Denethor should be immortal with Daughter of the Nimrodel and Protector of Lórien. Citadel Plate is also nice to have if you can afford it.

Late Game

Yeah, this deck has a pretty low ceiling for power. Nothing to say here.


  • [Miner of the Iron Hills](/card/01061) in quests with condition attachments
  • You can use [Forest Snare](/card/01069) for the Hill Troll, but it's more fun to beat it without the permanent stun.