A Side of Dale.

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
A Staff in the Shadows 1 0 2 3.0
Inspiration for
A FonceDale 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Zukin 165

This has been far the most fun deck I've had the pleasure of building and playing in The Lord of the Rings LCG. It has been edited for multiplayer to be paired with the inspiration deck, but should bring success at any table.

That said, let's dive in. It's your pretty standard Dale deck. The whole gimmick is to play items on your Dale characters and profit with Brand son of Bain. By far the MVP of the deck, the king needs his crown to really come into his own. The solution to this is Thurindir, he's not an amazing hero by any stretch of the imagination, but he allows for an early Gather Information. The Crown is crucial to the whole deck and you should be finding and playing it as early as possible.

The Prince brings it all together and makes the deck sing, allowing you to play any item attachment of any resource sphere. Worried about those pesky Dale allies dying on you and wasting your hard earnt items? No worries, he's got your back and will reclaim them for you, free of charge. He's just that nice of a guy.

Dale has one main issue and that is the allies are costly for their base stats, which is why you need to play cheap attachments in the right areas. That said, it is perfectly fine to spam as many attachments on Dale characters without them for card draw in the early game. Your King will reward you for this.

That is why we bring Long Lake Trader. This card is subtle but really makes your characters the heroes we know and love.

Has your North Realm Lookout been burdened with a Squire's Helm? No problem let me put that on your Guardian of Esgaroth instead. In fact why don't you trade that item for a Map of Rhovanion. Now you can not have to exhaust for 3 in the quest phase and place a progress on the active location while you're at it.

Why does that Dale Messenger have a Hauberk of Mail? Let me move that to the Redwater Sentry for you. Bonus points if you leave a Dale ally without an attachment for more card draw from the King. You get the idea. Enjoy, friends.


Mar 10, 2022 harrken 102

Do you usually have enough WP on turn one to clear Gather Info? Always my Thurindir problem!

Mar 10, 2022 Zukin 165

@harrken Thankfully, if you're playing an attachment turn 1 on a Dale character, (Which you should be.) Brand son of Bain boosts their by 1. Which isn't huge but should be enough of a boost to get through it!

Mar 11, 2022 LEGOlas 130

Why not just include 3x King of Dale

Mar 11, 2022 Zukin 165

@LEGOlas A fair point, I'm currently working on a more playtested version of the deck that drops Thurindir entirely and just uses the two Dale heroes for Strider. That version includes 3x King of Dale. I'll upload it once I feel it's more complete. Thanks for the feedback.

Mar 11, 2022 LEGOlas 130

Even (MotK) Galadriel would be fun to find it, then when she leaves, buy strider

Mar 11, 2022 Zukin 165

@LEGOlas I'm not entirely sure that works sadly as her text states "after you play her from your hand." Otherwise it would be a consideration.