Single Core Series: The Temple of Doom

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TheChad 12827

This is the deck I used to defeat The Temple of Doom in my single core series. The video can be found here:

36 starting threat! Elrond, Galadriel, and Gandalf? What is going on, why I am bringing such a powerful hero line-up?

Five words: The Power of Mordor set. This quest is our fist taste of the Power of Mordor Encounter set. This thing is pure evil. How evil you ask? The quest gives you a free turn 1. That is never a good sign.

This deck is a Fellowship deck that takes advantage of Gandalf's top card scrying ability and Vilya. Since the quest gives you a free turn you should absolutely have Vilya in play. Either it is in your hand or mulligan, Galadriel draws it, it is your top card, or you have Word of Command to find it.

Get that fellowship online ASAP! This deck has a lot of one-ofs due to encounter effects that punish you for duplicate copies of cards.

Try to get all three rings into play for a fun thematic win.

Good luck!