Beauty and the Beast

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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Beauty and the Beast 0 0 0 2.0
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kypatzer 91

kypatzer has a newer deck inspired by this one: Beauty and the Beast

I love this Contract, my favorite so far! These are obviously two "Power" heroes and they complement each other quite well here. Arwen takes care of questing, resource acceleration and even card draw (with Elven Light) while Grimbeorn takes care of combat. Thanks to the AtEoAT contract Grimbeorn is already a Beast at 4 Defense and 4(6) Attack from the first turn, even at that all the attachments go on him to make him and even beastier beast!

You should be mulliganing for Strider, this really helps with early questing. Steward of Gondor, Armored Destrier and Hauberk of Mail can be discarded via Arwens ability and put into play with Reforged. During the first 3 turns Arwen can afford to ready Grimbeorn 3 times (due to the extra hit point), this should be enough to see you through those first tough rounds. You probably want to focus on getting those cheap spirit questers out early to help out Arwen. Once you hit the fourth turn, flip the contract, grab the resources and go get Grimbeorn's Dad, Glorfindel or Treebeard to help out with combat, Legolas for combat and card draw or Gandalf for a little bit of everything. You can also grab Magic Ring if Grimbeorn has gotten beaten up as it is the only source of healing in the deck.


Nov 06, 2022 NERD 808

I would remove Grimbold and Meneldor for three copies of Silvan Refugee. The contract does not allow Steward of Gondor, Beorn's Welcome, or Magic Ring to give you resources. Consider leaning on the Beorning theme with Beorning Skin-changer and Giant Bear. I also personally prefer three copies of Elven-light.

Nov 09, 2022 kypatzer 91

Haha, You are correct about the resource granting attachments. This was an earlier version of the deck I was using to playtest before the contract had that stipulation. I am updating this with my latest version.