Fast and Fellowship

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

NERD 851

This is a stupidly aggro deck. Nearly every time I have played it, the contract is flipped on turn one. The hero line-up is perfect for this goal. Erestor lets you start with a massive hand, and Denethor provides early resources. The steward also becomes the defender through Armored Destrier and Shining Shield, while allowing for Wealth of Gondor. Those two heroes are fairly obvious. However, Frodo Baggins is surprisingly helpful. He can provide more resource acceleration by lowering the cost of Sam Gamgee, who lowers the cost of Bill the Pony. He also enables Drinking Song to be powerful, while lowering your starting threat. That is great, because this deck relies on Doomed cards and occasionally Pillars of the Kings. Speaking of which, Pillars of the Kings acts like an Erestor draw in the middle of your turn and can provide threat reduction in the late game. However, this deck is fast enough that there should be no late game. Weirdly enough, letting Erestor die by the third round is often the best move. Once you get Treebeard, you have no more need of his resources. Once he is dead, you can hold onto Pillars of the Kings and reduce your threat.

Give this deck a try and coast on your turn-one board state! Just before publishing, I tested this deck again. It quested for 21 on the first turn, ending at 30 threat.

Have fun,



Dec 13, 2022 doomguard 2121

how do you come to thread 30?

with Pillars of the Kings you only can set (reduce) to 40.

so, only used doom for 5 points? why then Pillars of the Kings?

Dec 13, 2022 LEGOlas 130

Yes, I only used five points of doomed. Pillars of the Kings is just there for consistency. If I got an unlucky hand, Pillars of the Kings lets me see more cards. In addition, it pulls double duty as threat reduction.