Host of the Eldar (Specific Discard - Solo Noldor Deck)

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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

spanishinquisition 267

As stated in my other Noldor deck (, the way you discard, and the manipulation of the discard pile, can take a variety of forms, and this deck is designed to focus on the specific card on top of the discard pile, and getting all the benefits from that. To that end, I have focused on the allies that largely come in The Grey Havens deluxe expansion. I've also made a concerted effort to include some cards that I suspect don't get a lot of play, such as Warden of the Havens, as well as my current favourite Veteran Sword-elf.

Unsurprisingly, you want to mulligan for To the Sea, to the Sea!. It's pretty essential to get your allies out each turn to build your board. It's also important to have plenty of methods to discard at precisely the right time, thus the three copies of Protector of Lórien, Erestor, Imladris Caregiver, and Arwen Undómiel. You should have plenty of scope to make sure that you have the right sort of card on top of your discard pile to utilise the particular ally at the right time.

This deck has good card draw, so you should have plenty of cards in your hand to fuel the discard engine. It can be difficult discarding prized attachments like Narya or Vilya, or prized allies like Erestor, but this deck is all about discarding to improve the particular allies you have on the board, so be brave, and remember that Will of the West, combined with the good card draw, will mean that you might get a chance to see some of those cards again (if the game goes on long enough).

This deck can sometimes take a few turns to get going, so it is less consistent than my previous Noldor deck, but it was a different approach, did win a variety of quests, and allowed me to give some under used cards a decent go. More importantly, it's helped me to get over my dislike of discarding cards from my hand, due to their possible benefits in the future, to make use of what's on my board right now.