Food at Home (aka The B Team)

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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

johnnybravo530 3

If you just squint hard enough, it is almost like you are playing as the Three Hunters (Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli). But you aren't. Why go out to eat when there is food at home?

This deck uses only the core and starter decks for those beginners like me who just started and aren't able to find other packs or don't want to pay a lot of money for them. It also only uses 30 cards because I am new to the game and want to ease into deck building. I am not playing a tournament so it doesn't matter. I would rather focus on fun.

The idea is simple. Quest with Éowyn and Thalin, then ready up Thalin to help Haldir of Lórien attack. Attach a Dwarven Axe and War Axe to Thalin to boost his attacks. Unexpected Courage should be placed on Thalin to ready him after questing. Ancient Mathom and Foe-hammer for card draw and Healing Herbs in case too much damage is taken.

As far as allies, Defender of Rammas and Erebor Hammersmith are great high defense/health allies they could take two hits before leaving play. Erebor will also be able to get back attachments if you lose them. Galadriel's Handmaiden will help keep threat down and Henamarth Riversong is a cheap low cost chump blocker when needed.

Feint and Coney in a Trap are great to stop enemy attacks and with a 20% chance of drawing you should have one in your hand regularly. Just save a resource on Haldir or Thalin just in case. A Test of Will will help get rid of terrible when revealed effects.

Very consistent deck. Have tested a lot on the core box campaigns. I hope you all enjoy.


Dec 08, 2023 Marctimmins89 107

Looks like fun. Do you ever find yourself with Foe-hammer in hand but no weapon to be able to exhaust for the draw? I can see the Legolas / Haldir, Gimli / Thalin parallel, but Eowyn as a stand-in for Aragorn? Arwen Undómiel would like a word with you... haha Welcome to the game.

Dec 12, 2023 johnnybravo530 3

@Marctimmins89 thanks. Yes I do find Foe-hammer to be a dead draw sometimes. Do you have another suggestion I can try instead? I would love to play Arwen Undómiel but I have not purchased that expansion yet.

Dec 12, 2023 doomguard 2101

you know, that the "official" decks must have at least 50 cards? with 30 is much more easier to get the imortant ones you need.

Dec 12, 2023 Marctimmins89 107

He clearly knows that:

"It also only uses 30 cards because I am new to the game and want to ease into deck building. I am not playing a tournament so it doesn't matter. I would rather focus on fun."

As for the Foe Hammer thing, there's a couple of ways to go. I'd either take 3 x Ancient Mathom to go along with my Erebor Hammersmiths to get some repeatable card draw (and then drop Foe Hammer), or look for more weapons that can go on Haldir specifically. I'd aim to use him as the main attacker. Isn't Bow of the Galadhrimin the Silvan starter deck? Having 3 x those would go a long way to giving you a target for Foe Hammer.

Happy questing.

Dec 13, 2023 doomguard 2101

then play a 27-card-deck and skip Foe-hammer then it even more easy... ;)

(jokes aside, try to become commen with the 50-card-rule, really everyone plays it this way, and this game becomes even more fun playing with other buddys, it is one of the maintasks to get 50-cards-decks and to make them work)

Dec 14, 2023 johnnybravo530 3

@doomguard I understand. That is my goal. I have been playing Marvel Champions and Arkham Asylum so I am not new to deck building but want to slowly increase over time to get to 50 and understand this game better while doing it.

@Marctimmins89 thanks for the tips. I will definitely play test with this and see how it goes.

Dec 14, 2023 doomguard 2101

if u want, have filled your deck with cards from core and silvans, should be same gameplay as with 30 (and better haldir with bows ;) ), added only some weapons and allies and filled your cards up to 3:

and, its a solid deck for a beginner :)

Dec 18, 2023 johnnybravo530 3

@doomguard really cool! thanks. i'll try it out.