This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.
Preferred Player Count: 1-4
Rating: .5
This deck is built around the fantastic interaction between Lothíriel and Éomund. Through your usual draw and Mustering the Rohirrim, you try to play Éomund as often as possible, profiting from his ability to get double use out of all your Rohan characters. Aside from that (free) combo, you try to build up your board with your amazing attachments and Rohan characters. This deck is equally suitable for both solo and multiplayer, even though in solo, Éomund is not as central since you are unlikely to face an enemy each round.
How To Play
The card I usually mulligan for is Horn of the Mark (or Gather Information to fetch it). Without it, you are extremely starved for draw (unless another player can provide you with draw), so it is critical to see it early. From there on, you just play what is in front of you, being careful to pick and choose the allies you target with Lothíriel according to your current situation.
Guthlaf, Rider of the Mark, and Double Back are all cards I would look for in multiplayer. If you include Double Back, including Rider of Rohan is also sensible I find. Unexpected Courage is not that needed for yourself, however if another player would profit from it, I would always consider including it for its sheer flexibility.