Axes of the Forest

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The Wilderland Woodmen
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AutumnRose 1191

The Wilderland Woodmen

This deck is not designed to be a solo deck. Although it is probably doable as a solo deck, it is primarily designed as a support deck, and when in combination with The Scouts of the Hills it is a true powerhouse.

An Attachment for Every Situation

The core premise of this deck is to draw a ton of cards every turn and to absolutely load up the active location(s) with location attachments. If you are playing this in its intended Fellowship, then you will likely have 2 active locations per turn that you can load up with location attachments. This means that, although most of the attachments are "Limit 1 per location", you can still double-dip on their effects. It also means that you can get a LOT of card draw out of Haldan. The most important of these attachments is most often Woodmen's Path, which sets the quest threshold of the location to 1, even if it would otherwise be boosted by effects like Elf-stone, Put Off Pursuit, and The Burglar's Turn. This will also probably be the attachment you will most commonly want to recur as well (see below).


Getting the location attachments back from your discard pile is an important part of maintaining enough steam to make it through longer quests. Your main two tools for this are Erebor Hammersmith and Reforged (in the other deck). Now I know that Reforged has been shadow-errata'd to only work on items, so if you're going to follow that errata, consider adding Second Breakfast to this deck. The other tool for recursion is Will of the West (in the other deck), which can be extremely powerful given how much card-draw this deck has.

Special Shoutout

Special Shoutout to Warden of the Havens. I don't often run this ally in Noldor decks, but have found them to be extremely powerful in Woodmen decks. The timing of the round means that right after you explore the active location (and therefore dump a bunch of attachments onto the top of your discard pile), you will need to defend attacks--right when you want to use the Warden. I have found that the Warden is almost always online, and in the rare case when he is not, you can use Protector of Lórien to drop an attachment into the discard to get him back online. The first Hauberk of Mail should definitely go on Rowan, but after that, buff up one of your Wardens!


Jun 07, 2024 Marctimmins89 107

Cool to see some underused cards being really valuable. E.g. Warden of the Havens and Hunting Party!

Jun 07, 2024 AutumnRose 1191

Looks like you snuck in right before I posted the deck description. Yeah, I absolutely LOVE Warden of the Havens in Woodmen decks. My biggest gripe with the ally is that he doesn't have the Woodmen trait!

Jun 09, 2024 DunedainStrider 30

These look great! Thanks for posting them. I'm looking forward to giving them a spin on Dragncards. I appreciate that you already suggested replacements for the upcoming errata of Reforged - that was going to be my question.