Inspired by one of Beorn's Loyal Hounds and my two-year-old, I decided to make a Bluey alt art deck. For heroes, I wanted to revisit the first pairing of heroes that I made a decent deck for without looking at others' decks: Aragorn, Arwen, and Gandalf. As I have quite a few more cards now, I've updated it to include staples such as Elrond's Counsel, excellent with the high starting threat of the heroes. However, as this is an alt art deck, I'll spend a bit of time mentioning some of my choices for the art and let you figure out how to pilot the deck.
Anfalas Herdsman could only be the border collie, Mackenzie, for his numerous references to sheep. Bilbo Baggins is a record keeper, so Bluey typing on a typewriter seemed appropriate. Secret Vigil is a personal favorite, as that part of the episode is Bandit keeping a secret vigil, and the art cracks me up. A Test of Will is a test that was ultimately failed, with Bandit ordering chocolate ice cream when his card took a long time to ring up. Snickers rolling down the hill and knocking over the terriers could have been used for Feint, but ultimately I decided that Nana is a good peacekeeper and thus stops attacks and Snickers stops the unexpected during attacks, so Hasty Stroke was appropriate.
Here's a link to the art: I've made this into a deck on Dragncards, so if you don't want to go to the work of doing so, feel free to send me a message on Discord and I can provide the .txt file. Enjoy!