The Grey Companions

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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
The Grey Companions 0 0 0 2.0
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ThisImmortal 1

ThisImmortal has a newer deck inspired by this one: The Grey Companions

This took heavy inspiration from "Trick or Trait (Clone)." I thought, it would be cool if you did grey companion with an extra hero. I heavily suggest taking Estel and Elessar as your starting attachments.


Mar 20, 2025 doomguard 2215

i do not like the cancelling of contract-flaws with another contract, imo the Beyond the Original Bargain is not well thought through... (same with council of wise and perilous voyage)

to cancel the mainflaw of The Grey Wanderer , that is to start with only 1 hero, with the "tricky" wording of Messenger of the King , is not how i understand this game.

grey wanderer with Aragorn and therfore 2 startingattachments is strong enough.

Mar 20, 2025 Sackmoney 87

@doomguard, I don't think it's so much an issue of Beyond the Original Bargain so much as how it's being used here. ALeP specifically note in their FAQ and Free to Choose List that they want Beyond the Original Bargain to make it so we have an option to make the MotK hero the Grey Wanderer, but to still only have that single hero.

Of course, with the official wording of Messenger of the King, the way this deck is put together is valid, but I think it's much more in the spirit of the game to use the ALeP free to choose wording for MotK and make that hero a Grey Wanderer.

Mar 20, 2025 doomguard 2215

@Sackmoney true, but if shortly after release a faq is needed, it is not well thought through, so it is an issue of Beyond the Original Bargain....

(same with council+perilious, that should also be feq-ed if you faq it make it right ;) )

@ThisImmortal playing solo, u can do what u want, but going to conventions it would be nice not to use it this way ;)