Boromirs Army feat. Erestor

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Derived from
Gondor Swarm feat. Erestor 10 5 0 1.0
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oberfred 54

Boromir leads the army of gondor. The supply of allies (cards) is provided by Erestor. Balin supports with some welcome shadow cancelation. In this regard Steward of Gondor should probably placed on him instead of Boromir since he can make better use of spare resources than Boromir.

Your starting hand should include some resource generation. In the course of the game you will probably play two Legacy of NĂºmenor. Play them even if you don't need the resources immediately. But be careful with the last one depending how many Gandalf you can play for threat reduction.

The Daughter of the Nimrodel may be replaced with Warden of Healing.

This deck is probably better played solo since other decks might not want the early threat increase. It plays quite well versus Carn Dum.