Free Birds

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

TritonWreck 257

This is my first posted deck. I'm sure it can be better (since I have just one core set) but I've had fun playing it.

I've wanted to build an Elrond / Vilya deck making use of the Wizard Pipe. But hero Gandalf has too high a starting threat and ally Gandalf increases your threat too much. So I thought I would try it with Radagast.

Since I'm using Radagast, I also throw in Word of Command (to get the cards I want) and lots of Eagle allies since he can help pay for and heal them. Gloin allows some early resource generation to pay for Radagast and mostly other neutral cards. His resources can also be used to Heed the Dream.

Here is the order of importance of cards to get first:

  1. Vilya (initially for card draw)
  2. Radagast
  3. Bilbo Baggins or Wizard Pipe
  4. Light of Valinor or Unexpected Courage
  5. Card draw (Elven-light or Heed the Dream)
  6. Beefy allies

    You can also use Rumil for some decent sized damage bombs (even though you have to play him from hand) and Silvan allies with Island Amid Perils to reduce threat (then put the allies back into play with Vilya).