Doomed Dwarves

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Roka 1659

This is a classic dwarf deck with a new twist: We are adding Gríma to but down our allies faster. To keep our threat under control we use Nori and we often can just ignore Grima's doomed, because otherwise we couldn't play the ally.

Mulligan for Legacy of Durin or King Under the Mountain which are your main sources of card draw. Keys of Orthanc and Narvi's Belt are also a good combo which you normally play on Dáin Ironfoot, but in case you need the ressource smoothing immediately on Nori.

All the other attachments go on Dain to. With some Dúnedain Warnings and A Burning Brand he is an awesome defender who can ready with Unexpected Courage to give his attack boost to all your dwarves (or defend a second time because your Erebor Battle Master smashes all enemies anyway.

The Sideboard cards are there for quest with bad condition attachments or a lot of direct damage.


Feb 02, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2473

Maybe Power of Orthanc for the sideboard to go along with the Doomed mechanic?

Feb 02, 2018 Roka 1659

@Wandalf the GizzardI prefer Miner of the Iron Hills as an additional dwarf and there isn't any benefit from more then one Doomed per effect per turn.