Dooming Gandalf

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Card draw simulator
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nvbostwick 44

I have been trying to figure out how to use GrĂ­ma for a long time. I decided that he works best as an early game catalyst, essentially use doomed to jump start the rest of the deck. Here, you're going to mulligan for Strider and either Gandalf's Staff or Keys of Orthanc. If you get all three, that's the jack pot. Basically turn Gandalf into an early/mid game god and then let the Eagles finish the job. This deck has insane resource generation and can spew out anything/everything you want. Narya is in the sideboard because over 4 test scenarios I either never played it or never needed to use it. Use The Galadhrim's Greeting greedy in solo and abuse Grima + Keys.

Shadow of Mirkwood: Complete (except Journey to Rhosgobel) Dwarrowdelf: Core Box Complete

Any feedback welcome.


Mar 09, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2473

Are you at all concerned that the test scenarios were easy ones? This seems like a really powerful and fun deck, but still, PtM? EaAD? good job anyway. Liked.

Mar 09, 2018 nvbostwick 44

100% follow your point. I like passing stuff through the "am I an idiot" tests before throwing myself to the wolves xD

Mar 09, 2018 tickler 257

Why don't you add Folco Boffin? He increases your threat by 6 and if you drop him on turn one, you can reduce your threat by 7.