Caldara joins the Rohirrim

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Roka 1596

After the errata of Caldara there were mostly decks created that use her for an early game boost. This decks takes a different approach. Caldara isn't really the star of the show, more a support hero to make the already decent Rohan deck even better.

Mulligan for Elven-light, which is the main source of card draw for this deck. At the beginning, this plays like a classic Rohan deck, try to get out Gamling and cycle your Rohan allies. This deck has lots of quest power and once you have Herugrim in play also some attack power. Defense can be handled in more uncommon ways: Using allies as chump blockers and Háma and Elfhelm as temporal defenders, get a Livery of the Tower on Caldara (or later Prince Imrahil) to block some smaller enemies or do a Desperate Defense with Théoden.

Caldara can be used for a later game boost, once you have Imrahill in play and some allies in the discard pile. Some possibilities:

  • Escorts from Edoras for the final quest push
  • Háma if you have a final battle with multiple enemies
  • Éomund to block a boss enemy and strike back with your other guys. Because of that, this is not the one deck to rule them all, but it shines it's quests that start slowly and hit hard at the end.

Note this is also a thematic deck with just Rohan/Gondor allies. Feel free to swap in others from the sideboard.