Over the Misty Mounts Grim Dwarves
bobcatbrewer 37
Card draw is at a premium for the combat deck. It's important to try and play the Ancient Mathom at times it will benefit that deck. There is plenty of resource generation ability for the questing deck, but the combat deck has a much lower overall cost so Steward of Gondor should be played where appropriate for the current quest.
Unexpected Courage should be prioritized on Thorin Oakenshield with the secondary location on Gimli. Having the willpower of Thorin Oakenshield is key to progressing through the quest cards. It's a nice bonus to have Gimli both defend and attack.
If you have the treasures from the previous quest, include Sting and Orcrist in the questing deck and have that deck start as the first player. Include Glamdring in the combat deck. Attach Sting to Bilbo Baggins and Glamdring to Gimli. If you draw Orcrist, attach that to Thorin Oakenshield.
Be careful on your strategy to pass from stage 2 to stage 3. A good strategy is to utilize either Lure of Moria or Path of Need to ensure characters are ready for the Great Goblin and potentially multiple other goblins.
This fellowship will manhandle the quest in easy mode, especially if you have the treasures.