Fords of Isen - Snipers Fight the Dunlendings
Smiticus 5
The Fords of Isen scenario punishes players for having cards in hand and for drawing cards. This fellowship strives to mitigate that passive-aggressive attack by sniping enemies from the staging area. I have played it twice and won both times.
Mulligan Deck 1: Weapons, Master of the Forge, Song of Battle
Mulligan Deck 2: Traps, Spear of the Mark, Song of Travel
- Haldir: Bow of the Galadhrim[R], Rivendell Blade[R], or Dagger of Westernesse[R]
- Legolas: Bow of the Galadhrim[R], Rivendell Blade[R], Mighty Prowess
- Theoden: Protector of Lórien, Unexpected Courage
- Dunhere: Spear of the Mark[R,x2], Unexpected Courage or Rohan Warhorse
- Eowyn: Song of Travel, Protector of Lórien
Éowyn, Théoden, and Damrod will quest every round.
Use Éowyn's ability against the Chieftain or Raider.
Starting enemies: Tribesman, Bandit
Stage 1: The first player must control Grima to advance to Stage 2.