Upgrading the Starter Decks
Shellin 3299
I thought it might be fun to take a look at the new starter decks and see how I might try to upgrade them, using only cards from the Revised Core set and the four starter decks themselves. Some of these decks could be played together still, while others (primarily Dwarf - Gondor and Gondor - Rohan) do use some of the cards from other starter decks, so you wouldn't be able to build all four of my "upgraded decks" at once for a 4p game. This would primarily be a way for a solo player, or 2p group, to start slowly deckbuilding by making some small changes to the existing decks while trying to keep the overall idea of the deck the same.
In my early days of deckbuilding I found that trying to make these sorts of small changes to existing decks based on my personal preferences was a good way to teach myself what type of cards I valued in a deck, and which I didn't, and really helped kickstart the process of building my own decks from scratch. After messing around a bit with the pre-constructed decks, I would definitely recommend trying to give this idea a shot. Maybe your decks will look similar to mine, or maybe they will be a lot different! Legolas into the Silvan deck would be great, maybe even with Bifur and King Under the Mountain finding their way into there instead of Haldir of Lórien and Galadriel. Maybe Théodred finds his way into the Gondor deck for some more resource generation and a lower starting threat to utilize Pillars of the Kings in a way the prebuilt cant, maybe you just completely destroy the Rohan deck and give the West Road Traveller and Ancient Mathom to some other decks and stop building with a trait focus completely! I think one of the things I'm most looking forward to with the influx of new players is the creative decks that show up based on a completely different starting cardpool than all of us old timers had to work with. So please publish any of your creations as you start this deckbuilding process with a little write up about what the deck is trying to accomplish so we can see all the fun!
Thank you for making these decks & guides! From: a new player who has purchased all the revised/re-released sets.