Rangers of Ithilien with Free Peoples

JYoder 346


The Rangers of Ithilien -- Faramir, Damrod, and Mablung -- take on Mordor with Gimli, Haldir, and Pippin.

I had fun playing these decks through the entire saga, proving very effective by the end. With these decks (and various permanent boons) I could defeat "Journey at the Cross-roads" with only 1-3 enemies escaping, but kept playing until none escaped. (Though I admit it took 10+ tries.) When I played Flame of the West, these beat all 3 quests in my first attempts.

Derndingle Warriors, Boromir, and Déorwine block (ents can on the turn they enter via Faramir), Gimli, Haldir, and possibly Boromir attack. Everyone else heals, quests, or is an emergency chump blocker. Keep everyone healed, especially the ents. With Steward of Gondor on Pippin, who I'd also put Song of Travel on, both decks have good resource generation and card draw.

Engage with Mablung to enable his and Haldir's ability. Have Gimli take an undefended attack and/or use Archery to your advantage. After Gimli attacks, ready him via Erebor Record Keepers and/or Rohan Warhorse. That usually gave me enough readying affects as the key is taking out enemies with one attack, but you can add Lembas or Cram to put on Gimli or Haldir.

These decks aren't self-contained, but rely on the other, making them feel like a synchronized whole rather than two separate decks.

For mulligans, try for Steward (ideally with Envoy to play immediately) and Gleowine, or maybe Erebor Record Keeper if the quest starts combat heavy. Sideboards are possible cards to swap in for certain quests and/or variety as desired.