Lore of the Outlands (Campaign)
ohuerc 469
Player 1 has one job: buff everyone. Use Doomed effects to give everyone cards and resources. This version of the deck needs to survive, to keep these same heroes throughout a Campaign quest series. The other decks have been tuned to help with this.
Player 2 is the muscle here. With about half your deck in hand by the time your first Planning phase starts, use Lord of Morthond to cycle through the deck and build an Outlands army. Second Breakfast keeps the other players recycling Scroll of Isildur and Good Meal, which keeps Player 1 from being entirely useless after the deck is gone.
Player 3 is all about threat reduction, with a few of the usual Wise Men tools added in. Wandering Took and Favor of the Valar get passed around the table to manage threat, which is hilariously effective.
Player 4 manages the encounter deck, removing the worst cards and reducing the number of cards in staging. A little Spirit splashing, mostly for A Test of Will. Ideally enemies go to the other players, but Sentinels abound (Erkenbrand, Shadowfax, Aragorn) and this deck has enough attack to protect the flank.
Sideboards here are mostly cards removed from other decks that inspired this group. A few cards might be options for substituting, but mostly they are historical data.