LOTB Episode #2 (A Midnight Sack)


We began this quest with a mono sphere Spirit Deck #2 and a dual sphere tactics and lore deck #1. We beat this quest with room to spare. The key to beating it was the low starting threats we had and savings Baggins resources. We also uncovered all 3 treasures off of the encounter deck before mid range of the encounter deck. Those things along with the fact that we drew, “More Like a Grocer” at the beginning of the game, resulting in one lost Baggins resource was the key to our success. It was a great round and well worth the Midnight gameplay, hence the name, “A Midnight Sack.”


Mar 04, 2019 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

Did you shuffle the three treasures into the encounter deck? Because that's not how it works. If you meet the discovery requirements during the quest, you can include them in your own player decks for the following quests.

By the way, a quick deck-building tip. Including three copies of so many unique allies is not the best thing to do. You'll end up drawing a lot of dead cards you can't play instead of something that could help you.

Mar 04, 2019 Bilbo Swaggins 24

Thanks for the heads up on the encounter deck. I thought they were supposed to go in there? Where can I find the discovery requirements to know if we meet them? We aren’t intending to play campaign mode at this point, just the single quests.

Mar 04, 2019 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

Well, for We Must Away ere Break of Day, it's on quest stage 3B. The rules insert also tells you what to do with the treasure cards, so you might want to check that out.


Mar 08, 2019 Goggen 119

Some puzzling choices here:

Elrohir, but no Elladan in the partner-deck?

Kili, but no Fili?

Herugrim, and no Rohan heroes?

Nori and only 2 dwarf-allies to be played from hand?

Óin and Dwalin, and only 4 dwarves total in the -deck?

And without any -cards Óin is kinda inefective even if you had more dwarf-allies. I'd suggest Lanwyn to fill a similiar role if you don't want to change the deck to much, or a number of others if you're open for a larger rebuild.

My personal suggestion trying not to change too much would be to remove Legolas and add Elladan in the tactics-lore. Then add Legolas for Óin in the spirit deck. Elven-light, Mirkwood Long-knife, and Light of Valinor can then replace Herugrim, Kili and Dwalin.

For Nori you can add Arwen Undómiel or Caldara.