OHaUH Dwarves v2 Treasure Hunters
Adaepholn 167
A pair of Dwarf decks built for winning the Over Hill and Under Hill and earning the Treasures. These are based on my last Dwarf fellowship, and I changed them because I though Gimli with Heavy Stroke and Khazâd! Khazâd! was the only Dwarf solution I had to deal with Tom in We Must Away, Ere Break of Day.
Link to my last Dwarf fellowship: https://www.ringsdb.com/fellowship/view/8676/thorindainandthemanyotherdwarves
For strategy see the deck descriptions.
I've played 13 games with these decks, I didn't feel like playing many more as these play very similarly to the last set of decks.
Full list:
- We Must Away, Ere Break of Day 1/2 (I managed to pull off the combination against Tom. I had 4 wounds on Gimli, Khazad! Khazad! and Heavy Stroke to defeat Tom in one attack. I then was able to defeat the last Troll just after I cleared Troll Cave and was able to win with the Treasures)
- Over the Misty Mountains Grim 1/1 (Quite lucky with the encounter deck, I only had to deal with the initial Giant, and saved up 5 resources on Bilbo before clearing stage 2. I was able to defeat the Great Goblin in one round with Gimli and friends. I then quested all out with Faramir to clear stage 3 in one round.
- Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim 1/1 (I got a Stargazer early on and had lots of Goblins instead of Riddles in the first few rounds. I was able to build up enough resources on Bilbo to pass the riddles with the help of Stargazer at times. I did work out what the most likely type of cards would be discarded before I attempted each riddle which was tedious but helped a lot.)
- Flight from Moria 1/2 (The loss was a bad start with A Wrong Turn into Hasty Council, then I revealed a New Devilry and revealed A Wrong Turn again. Dain was then discarded by the Sudden Pitfall shadow effect and I resigned. The win was a slow win, as I had to wait a while to get the Tools, but once I got to Escape from Darkness with the Tools I was able to win in 2 rounds using Cram and an Erebor Hammersmith to recycle it.)
- The Seventh Level 2/3 (The wins were straightforward, the loss was due to almost the worst possible encounter cards early on: Orc Horn Blower into Chieftain of the Pit and a Cave-Troll as well as Upper Hall in setup, then the 2nd Cave-Troll was revealed with a Spearman in round 1)
- Into the Pit 2/2 (The first win was very slow as I was delayed a long time by Dreadful Gap. I actually won with just the Support deck in play as the other deck reached 50 threat just after I got to stage 3. The 2nd win was much smoother. Dwalin and Ever My Heart Rises were amazing in this scenario)
- Foundations of Stone 2/2 (2 good wins, I did avoid Old One's Lair both times, and also cleared stage 5 by questing with almost all my heroes. In the 2nd game I lost Dwalin to Crumbling Ruin after discarding Gandalf from the deck, the only card that would discard Dwalin as Hardy Leadership was in play.)