kattattack22 866
kattattack22 866

Win - The Thing in the Depths - 1 Player - 2020-07-03

Victory with a score of 202 points on July 04, 2020
kattattack22 866

Thorin's Company Bound by Bonds of Friendship (unpublished)

Played by kattattack22

Into the Pit - 1 Player - 2020-07-05

Defeat on July 05, 2020
dazfoot 21

Noldor family deck (unpublished)

Played by dazfoot

Into the Pit - 1 Player - 2020-07-05

Victory with a score of 145 points on July 05, 2020
dazfoot 21

Noldor family deck (unpublished)

Played by dazfoot

The Hills of Emyn Muil - Nightmare - 2-player solo - 2020-07-04

Victory with a score of 159 points on July 04, 2020
Smiticus 5

The Hills of Emyn Muil - Deck B1 (unpublished)

Played by Peter

The Hills of Emyn Muil - Deck B2 (unpublished)

Played by Peter

The Three Trials - 1 Player - 2020-07-05

Victory with a score of 152 points on July 05, 2020
lorunks 571

Aragorn Elladan Elrohir - ciclo Dreamchaser (unpublished)

Played by lorunks
Edmund 28

March of the Enyd (unpublished)

Played by Edmund
Aruld 8

Shadow of Mirkwood deck (unpublished)

Played by Aruld

The Road to Isengard - 1 Player - 2020-07-04

Victory with a score of 131 points on July 04, 2020
Fspage 24

Paso a través de Mirkwood - 1 Player - 2020-07-04

Victory with a score of 112 points on July 04, 2020
Juan 13

Eowyn-Dunheren- Beravor 1 Core (unpublished)

Played by Juan

The Dunland Trap - 1 Player - 2020-07-03

Victory with a score of 92 points on July 03, 2020
lorunks 571

Arwen Elladan Elrohir - ciclo Dreamchaser (unpublished)

Played by lorunks

Journey in the Dark - 1 Player - 2020-07-02

Victory with a score of 129 points on July 03, 2020
Milton 2
Milton 2

Journey in the Dark (unpublished)

Played by mmrozak

The Hunt for Gollum - 1 Player - 2020-07-01

Victory with a score of 143 points on July 02, 2020
HungryHobbit13 21

Tactics/Spirit Mirkwood Cycle (unpublished)

The Redhorn Gate - 1 Player - 2020-07-02

Victory with a score of 152 points on July 02, 2020
Taudir 339

Road to Rivendell - 1 Player - 2020-07-02

Victory with a score of 143 points on July 02, 2020
Taudir 339

The Drúadan Forest - 2 Players - 2020-07-02

Victory with a score of 234 points on July 02, 2020
Taudir 339

Encounter at Amon Dîn - 2 Players - 2020-07-02

Victory with a score of 120 points on July 02, 2020
Taudir 339
Edmund 28

March of the Enyd (unpublished)

Played by Edmund

Journey Along the Anduin - 2 Players - 2020-07-01

Victory with a score of 169 points on July 02, 2020
TheRockRobot 2

002: Journey Down Anduin: Fellowship A (Leadership-Tactics) (unpublished)

Played by TheRockRobot

The Redhorn Gate - Nightmare

Victory with a score of 157 points on June 14, 2020
Periandil 3

Brama Czerwonego Rogu (unpublished)

Played by Ramnic

Road to Rivendell - Nightmare

Victory with a score of 112 points on June 14, 2020
Periandil 3

Droga Do Rivendell (unpublished)

Played by Ramnic
DerHansi 41

Tactics/Lore progression DerHansi v6 (unpublished)

Leadership/Spirit Progression DerHansi v9 (unpublished)

Sarus85 127
stonecrusher 53

Into the Pit - 1 Player - 2020-06-28

Victory on June 29, 2020
rocketpig 1

Aragorn Gloin Glorfindel (unpublished)

Played by rocketpig
rocketpig 1

Aragorn Gloin Glorfindel (unpublished)

Played by rocketpig