A Very Good Dale.

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Derived from
The Legacy of Dale 5 2 4 1.0
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Zukin 164

Dale is very quickly becoming my favourite archetype. While Dwarves swarm to their King Under the Mountain, Dáin Ironfoot. Dale gains bonuses for simply having an attachment thanks to their own King of Dale, Brand son of Bain. We are all aware of the power level that is Dáin Ironfoot, almost an auto-include in many Dwarf decks. His best pal (thematically!) Brand son of Bain rewards his people with +1 and a card, for having an attachment, on top of that you also get the attachment ability! Something I'd happily drop the +1 for, Sorry Dáin Ironfoot!

His son Bard son of Brand also plays into his dad's rule by being able to pay for item attachments of any sphere. This includes A Burning Brand, who is a legal target for it at the time of play. Once their subjects do leave play, Bard son of Brand shows his prowess once again and reclaims the attachments off of their bodies. Nice!

I've been playing Dale since their release and the main priority card of this deck, which makes it run ever so smoothly is King of Dale. It's an auto include at 3 and also why this ranger guy is here, Thurindir. He's been given a very important quest by Brand son of Bain to Gather Information on where his beloved crown has gone, Once you find said crown he can reclaim his title of King of Dale. Once that is said and done, poor Thurindir is off again to Send for Aid from Gondor for a Warden of Healing or to find that pesky Knight of Dale that seems to have wandered off. Sometimes though, old Thurindir just talks about the weather, proclaiming nonsense like The Storm Comes, which oddly enough seems to fill poor Brand son of Bains halls with more of his subjects of random influence.

The ultimate goal for Brand son of Bain on top of his dilemmas is to reclaim what is his by birthright. The Necklace of Girion and other trinkets like Magic Ring and Glamdring. You can't have a great kingdom without vast wealth after all. Which is why sometimes you need to outsource that wealth by trade, this is accomplished by Traffic from Dale.

But in the end, this isn't a deck. It's much more than that. It's a tale about the rebuilding of a kingdom, one that our main heroes need help with, with you at the helm. Will you hear the plight of Dale? Can you rebuild the great kingdom with the limited resources you have?

The stage is set and how this tale ends is up to you.

Good luck!


Nov 27, 2018 Seastan 42195

Was expecting to see A Very Good Tale!

Nov 27, 2018 Zukin 164

Yeah. It's my bad for not including it! I just couldn't resist the pun! To be honest you just gave me the idea of A Very Good Tale and To Arms! together.

I'd suggest dropping Traffic from Dale for it.