Thematic Campaign: The Road Darkens

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bobbymcbobface 710

This is the deck I took through quests 4-6 of my thematic saga campaign. The goal here is to have as closely thematic a deck as possible, and still actually win. I used The Mountain of Fire Frodo Baggins for The Ring Goes South and Journey in the Dark, and The Black Riders Frodo Baggins for Breaking of the Fellowship.

Campaign Results:

Earned: Mithril Shirt, Sting, Glamdring, Anduril, Overcome by Grief, and Ill Fate.

Sideboard cards were included for Breaking of the Fellowship. I switched to Black Riders Frodo simply to have a reliable way to cancel Fallen into Evil. 3x Galadriel was subbed for 3x Wait no Longer, the second The Free Peoples replaced Vigilant DĂșnadan, and Song of Hope replaced Roheryn.

The Ring Goes South was a first attempt victory. Journey in the Dark took three tries (I actually won the first time, but lost Legolas and failed to kill the Balrog.) The third try I managed to complete the quest before the Balrog entered play. Breaking of the Fellowship was the roughest of the three, taking nine attempts. One the winning attempt, I managed to remove the Pursued by the Enemy burden using Seat of Seeing.

(Thematic Note: Sam was chosen as the captive for The Uruk-Hai, but I am considering him to have gone with Frodo, so forgive this slight thematic consideration.)

Here is the deck for quests 1-3:

Any comments/suggestions would be great! I will be continuing this campaign, so stay tuned for The Treason of Saruman!