The Fellowship of the Ring thematic

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Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
The Ring Goes South: Fellowship 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
More Revisions of the Ring Goes South 0 0 0 1.0
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BlackArrow 315

My version of a thematic Fellowship deck actually using the contract Fellowship. Aragornand Frodo Baggins are must have heroes, sine they have no ally version. I choose their and version respectively because there are 3 allies (Pippin, Legolas, and Boromir) and 2 allies (Gimli and Merry) and all of these can be pretty pricey. Gandalf is the third hero for a few reasons: I wanted the early game help, I wanted him to help pay for the expensive and allies, he can pay for Sam Gamgee, and lastly, I didn't want to rise my threat by 2 every round to keep his ally version. The One Ring was included for thematic taste, and goes on Frodo Baggins, obviously.

Deck Piloting: this deck starts out with a decently hight starting threat (33) so you need to watch that. Frodo's ability will help keep your threat stable, if you are okay with spending his resources every round. His readying ability can be used to ready either Gandalf or Aragorn, which is great. Be careful when using Power of Command (which is the Master card that you pull out right away). That will rase your threat considerable, but it is very powerful for questing. Favor of the Valar will be your best friend, since threat is your worst enemy. Yes, your threat elimination level is reduced to 45, but Favor of the Valor still works.

Obviously, the main challenge with the contract Fellowship is getting all your allies out. For this reason, I felt obligated to put in 3 copies of each, or they would be too hard to find. More resource smoothing is available with A Good Harvest, and card draw is gained through use of Foe-hammer. A Very Good Tale is another card that I've found to be very good in this deck, because you can pull out your different allies for free. Now granted, you probably won't use it too many times in the game (so I only put 2 copies in) but when you do, it should work pretty well. Look for that early on.

Gandalf and Aragorn are going to get a lot of fun toys in this deck. Gandalf gets his Gandalf's Staff and his Wizard Pipe, as well as Shadowfax, per usual. He also will get readying and tacks boosts via Flame of Anor. Aragorn will be decked out with some thematic attachments, such as Sword that was Broken, Roheryn, Celebrían's Stone, as well as War Axe and Steed of the North, to help him really kick ass. He can also get Steward of Gondor, though that might be a better idea to put on Frodo Baggins to be honest.

Once you get all nine walkers on the table, things should (hopefully) be smooth sailing. And if you have to kill off one of them, you can always buy them back again.

Finally, Sam Gamgee is included in the sideboard. You will substitute him for Frodo Baggins if ever playing a Saga quest with Frodo. Substitute his three copies for three copies of Fellowship of the Ring, because let's just be as thematic as possible, shall we?

Comments and/or suggestions greatly appreciated!


Jun 07, 2022 ahez20 113

I made a deck very similar to this but with Sam Gamgee instead of Gandalf but I really struggled early game. I think Gandalf hero might be the way to go.

Also, small thing but Aragorn can’t have all of this attachments at once that you mentioned because more than two of them are restricted.

Nice deck though!

Jun 07, 2022 NERD 808

I think that Thorongil would be great for lowering threat via Aragorn. Also, Strider would be a great thematic choice and aid early game questing.

Jun 07, 2022 BlackArrow 315

@NERD Thorongil would be a great addition! My only problem with adding Strider is that you would have to dig it out right away. Yes, it would give good questing boosts early on, but is it worth it to mulligan for? that said, it might be worth a shot (and it would be thematic too)