And then there were two!

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Discard Pile

Daughty Ranger 40

Discard Folco Boffinat the beginning of the game after paying for a neutral card. This brings your threat very low so you should be able to quest both heroes and have them ready for combat. Sneak attack and timely aid are for the expensive allies and Sword-thainis for Merryor Beorn.


Jul 31, 2022 BlackArrow 315

nice deck!!! Because off the timing on Messenger of the King, Folco Boffin would only get -2 threat cost, so your threat would start at 13 (then add +4 for (MotK) Pippin), which means you would be at 10 threat after losing folco!!! absolutely insane for secrecy, and readying Sam Gamgee and (MotK) Pippin is crazy too!

consider adding Thorongil to get Pippin into play (if only for the card draw;,. although there are a lot of great secrecy events in , so that would be even better)

Aug 01, 2022 doomguard 1976

i often thought about 2-hero-deck. i came to that conclusion that either 2 heroes + (MotK) Ioreth or (MotK) Galion or a The Grey Wanderer is better (in your special case a grey wanderer sam with a song of that additional sphere)

even if you want to stay at the 2-combo i would make some adjustments (these i would also if it become 1 or 3 heroes):

  • autoinclude with monohobbits is the The Shirefolk. perhaps you think 13 startingthread is low enough, it can never be low enough, and in tougher szenarios i have seen grey wanderer threatens out without threadreduction.
  • consider Well Preserved you can choose it from the start and pay with folko before discarding
  • would choose DĂșnedain Wanderer or Rivendell Scout over Snowbourn Scout

what would be the benefit of The Grey Wanderer sam (+Song of Battle )

Aug 01, 2022 Daughty Ranger 40

I like the combo of Sam Gamgee and Pippin together, but I think that your suggestions are good.

I made another version of the deck with Well Preservedand took out strength and courage because Folco Boffin can pay for the former and the latter is not great because it is printed axes so you can't use on (MotK) Pippin

I think that a good add would also be Thorongil so you can get Pippin for card draw and add in the lore secrecy cards.