Into the West

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Taurelin 478


This is a thematic Noldor deck making use of the ALeP-contract Into the West. It is supposed to be played in the "Free Races" event at the Lure of Middle Earth, so it has to be "race-proof", i.e. follow additional restrictions regarding allies and supporting cards. Check the complete rules here.

The contract demands an equal amount of cards costing 1-5 resources, but doesn't specify anything about 0-cost cards. So I opted for 5x9 cards with costs + 6 utility cards costing 0.

Playing the deck

With the contract, you get a small boost at the beginning of the game, i.e. a free ally. However, that ally leaves at the end of the round, granting you resources equal to its cost plus an extra card. This initiates a kind of chain reaction and allows you to play more expensive allies in the following turns.

My idea of abusing this unique mechanic is:

  • Gandalf and Galadriel have awesome stats and effects and leave the game anyway.
  • Costs don't really matter.
  • Archery doesn't really matter.
  • Multiple copies of unique allies are fine, as they won't stick around too long anyway.
  • If possible, use Sword-thain to promote them to hero-status.

The selection of heroes synergizes quite well with the contract. Arwen provides extra-resources, Elrond can pay for allies of any sphere and can cheat in some additional cards via Vilya. Cirdan's card-draw prevents running out of gas, and you get a free action (+ stats-boost) for your allies with Narya.

The reasons why I didn't include To the Sea, to the Sea! are: 1) limited slots in the 1-cost department 2) restriction of cost-reduction by the contract itself 3) not necessary


On paper, the contract seems to be made for quests in which you want to rush, not turtle. There, cheating in those extra allies for strong but temporary effects might give you the edge you need, especially early-game willpower.

Successful playtesting

  • Foundations of Stone
  • Voyage across Belegaer
  • Desert Crossing

Nov 05, 2022 doomguard 1976

just saying, if you bring Galadriel as initially ally with the contract into play, she does not trigger her ability. playing her later from hand is great but the startinboost is imo not so great with your cost 0-3 options.

Nov 05, 2022 Taurelin 478

I know. 3 for 3 is awesome, though. And in that slot, I didn't find any better alternative.

Nov 05, 2022 doomguard 1976

yea the race-mod is very restricting (else there would be some Meneldor or some silvans)

i thougt about Elrohir and Elladan ? they only quest for 2 but are not only good for questing, you have to play a different ally that leaves, but i think its worth considering and in race-event, nobody else need them. what about the Guardian of Rivendell? you do not have to pay the extra cost if its the initially ally. and a good defender 1. round, who leaves for 3 res is not a bad thing. (he also do not need the extra cost while playing with #vilya )

Nov 05, 2022 Taurelin 478

Yeah, those are valid options. But I think they work better in the "long-term", i.e. in "normal" Noldor/Vilya-decks without this contract.