Killing things with eagles

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
The Eagles are Coming (to Wreck Your Sh*t) 35 25 4 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

wordsampersand 7

Heavily endebted to cooljoe's rad eagle deck. I swapped out Hama for Mablung, and changed a number of attachments and allies, but the general concept remains the same. Check out his awesome deck in the "Inspired By" section at the bottom.

Basic gist of the deck: use Eagles of the Misty Mountains and Support of the Eagles to buff the heroes, specifically Legolas and Beregond. As eagle cards leave play, they augment the attack and defense of the existing Eagles; these buffed-up birds make fantastic allies.

Legolas is especially deadly with Rohan Warhorse and Hands Upon the Bow—not only can you snipe annoying or deadly enemies from the staging area (for really high attack values, thanks to Support), but you can then ready to take out people after you've engaged them.

Honour Guard and Behind Strong Walls hopefully keep Beregond in prime health.

Mablung works well as a resource machine here, helping cut down on the costs of all of the cool stuff. He also works well as a back-up defender (with Gondorian Shield) or attacker (especially with Elf-friend and some elf-focused weapon attachments).

Radagast is in there just in case. If you can't justify spending the resources on him, he's a good discard to help the Spirit Eowyn your Fellowship pal is playing.