thengel lead the bears

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doomguard 2006

this is a deck that exploits the Alep-cards making beornings playable up to the edge of op-ness. it is more a multiplayerdeck, so i think its o.k. for solo, its playable but lacks some willpower, ist more a fightingdeck for multiplayer.

with a bit of luck you can get up to 3 big roaring bears into the game in the 1. round.

mulligan hard for a Beorning Skin-changer, get lucky if drawn additional Miruvor and 2 highcost beornings

  1. round:

this way you get up to worth 16 res allies out on turn 1. even if you only get 2 (what is nearly save if Beorning Skin-changer is in startinghand)

it can nearly be repeated every round thx to (MotK) Birna and Thengel so you will soon have a huge pack of bears out.

if no expensive beornings in hand, use Beorning Pony to get them in the discard, with the Skinbark they can be called from there.

the Stand and Fight can give an additional use of a Beorning Skin-changer if you pile up 2 res on Thengel

Beorn's Welcome help to use ability of Grimbeorn the Old and (MotK) Birna moreoften.

if playing solo, add some more allies with willpower and discard other, e.g. replace Stand and Fight and Honour Guard with Pippin, Meneldor, Grimbold Galadriel's Handmaiden, West Road Traveller