Solo - Noldor Revised

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Solo - Noldor Revised 0 0 0 1.0
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Elran 94


Nov 28, 2023 Elran 94

This is the deck I enjoy playing the most. I love Noldor and Erestor 's capacity in particular. As a first hand, I'd rather have To the Sea, to the Sea! to take advantage of its resources reduction from the start. Círdan the Shipwright's ring (Narya) is also a plus, as is Elven Jeweler, which can be played just by discarding 2 cards. In any case, at the start of the game, you end up with 11 cards, 1 of which you have to discard straight away. If Elven-light or Glorfindel are in your hand, these are the ideal cards to discard to start your turn. Then the mechanic is really powerful and you find yourself without cards at the end of the turn without even having to apply Erestor's effect.

*Questing : Arwen Undómiel will be your number 1 character in the quest supported by Círdan the Shipwright where you will try to have attached to him Narya and Unexpected Courage as quick as possible. Lindon Navigator and Sailor of Lune once in play will be very useful as well especially if you manage properly your discard pile.

*Discard : Noldor mechanic is based on discarding cards from your hands to activate effects or playing cards from your discard pile. Silver Harp once attached will provide you 1 resource each turn with Arwen Undómiel's capacity. Don't forget to play Elven-light and Glorfindel from your discard pile. Once you don't have cards anymore, you have the possibility to shuffle back your discard pile to your deck with Will of the West. You can replace this card if you realise that you don't need to do it in the end to maximized Lords of the Eldar.

*Drawing : Erestor, Daeron's Runes, Elven-light, Galdor of the Havens and Lindir will provide you cards all along the game and having cards to discard should not be a problem.

  • Allies role:

Glorfindel will usually enter play mid-game and will help your questing and attack quite well. Don't be afraid to make him defense sometimes especially if you know that you have enough ressources or cards to make him back again.

Guardian of Rivendell will defend most the attacks and with Círdan the Shipwright and his ring, you can ready them to defend again or help in the attack.

Henamarth Riversong is the only allies that is not a Noldor. Play him as soon as you have him in your hand even though he's not essential. Once in play, exhaust him just before the refresh phase to know what you're going to have for the next staging phase during the quest.

You only need 1 or 2 Imladris Caregiver in game in order to heal your characters. Mainly Guardian of Rivendell and your heroes.

  • Attachements

Explorer's Almanac will help you to counter all annoying Travel effect of a Location. If you don't need it during your turn, just discard it in the many ways this deck offers.

Attached Steward of Gondor to Círdan the Shipwright as soon as he has his ring. If you are unlucky and have the 3 Steward of Gondor in your hand during the same turn, try to dig into your deck as much as possible to draw Narya if not already in play.

To the Sea, to the Sea! as mentioned above, this will help you to put in play for 1 any allies that you have in your hand. Cards are ressources in Noldor's deck !

I usually play the 2 Unexpected Courage on Círdan the Shipwright but 1 of them is more than enough.

  • Event Elrond's Counsel is your only threat management and I never had any issues with my threat in this deck as your quest power is quite high.

Elven-light is the main mechanics of this deck to manage your cards and resources.

Lords of the Eldar : once your deck is empty, this card can be played one or twice every round giving a boost to all Noldor Characters. This mechanics is quite strong and will stabilize your end game.

Will of the West is mandatory in some scenario but usually I replace it with Silver Harp or A Test of Will.

Hope you'll enjoy playing this deck, I'm fully open for suggestions and feedback.

Nov 28, 2023 Elran 94

Just as complement on what I played with it. I finished the Core set campaign with the 2 additional quests and the full Angmar Campaign.