Gondor sea swarm #RCO

Questlogs using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Gondor sea swarm with higher willpower 0 0 2 1.0
MonoLead Gondor swarm 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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krautbammer 43

My Gondor swarm deck for Dream Chaser with RCO.

It's quite lacking in early so it's basically hard mulligan for Celebrían's Stone or Visionary Leadership.

Denethor gives you the early money to pay for them and hopefully lay out a cheap ally. He also becomes your defender.

Boromir is your attacker and gets Visionary Leadership so allies get +1/+1 while he's got a resource and Denethor can make doubly sure that happens.

Aragorn has to carry your questing early till the swarm takes over. wanted to include tactics to get Denethor a Gondorian Shield. This allows him to take all but the biggest hits so you don't have to chump and can save your allies for sailing.

The stuff is optional and can be semi-replicated with more copies of Faramir and Angbor the Fearless but I've actually found it pretty reliable to get the on Aragorn and get the Linhir Sea-captain out which greatly helps questing.

Errand-rider and Squire of the Citadel are cheap sailors. Citadel Custodian is an awesome target for A Very Good Tale.

Happy sailing!