Who needs a third hero... I have Gandalf!

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Roka 1659

With this deck I join the Folco Boffin-hipe. This time we basically exchange him for Hobbit-Gandalf. With 16 starting threat and threat reduction from Folco and Merry, we can keep the Istari very long in play.

Mulligan for Gandalf or Peace, and Thought to draw him. In the right situations Heed the Dream or Gather Information from the sideboard might work to. Play him turn 2, and then put all his attachments on him. With Narya and Shadowfax he becomes a strong attacker and defender for the whole table, while he can spread out ressources with Gandalf's Staff. There rest are a lot of other support cards, cancellation, healing, card draw and outlands questing power.

The Bilbo Baggins-Variant (exchange him for Pippin) has higher starting threat, but normally you can live with that if you switch the secrecy allies with those in the sideboard. You spread more cards around the table (Pippin's second abilty is rarely used anyway), but the loss of the engagement cost boost might hurt.